Thursday, April 13, 2006

Apple of the eye - I

Read the intro here.

What is in a name?

When a baby is born into the family, a generation is created. The kith and kin are proud. Parents, grandparents are in bliss. The newborn is considered a gift from God to save the lineage. With, so much value added to the baby, parents feel the responsibility of being in charge of another human being. They vouch to do everything right for the little one. Right from the first bath, to the medicines, to the diet and most importantly, to the name. They hunt, analyze, dream, visualize, calculate and plan before choosing a name!

Dad: 'The name should be short and catchy. She might end up working in the US and the Americans shouldn't have a problem pronouncing it'

Mom: 'It should be unique and an uncommon name yet simple.'

Grandpa: 'Use letters from her grand ma's name. She will grow up to be an excellent women'

Grandma: 'Most preferably Devi's name from Sahasranamam'

Astrology: 'pri', 'shy', 'zhi' should be starters for a great life

After all deliberation and argument, the Murthy's were proud of 'Preetha', the little girl and her name. Time sped by and now, Preetha, 5 year old, goes to school.

One evening, Preetha came back home dull, sober and burst into tears. The family was shattered at the state of the little one. They gathered around, consoled, pampered and waited for Preetha to speak up.

Preetha, with a Dairy milk in her mouth said, 'I want to change my name!'

'What?' gasped Mommy.

Pr..(Err. As of now 'Preetha') said, 'I don't like my name and I want to change it right away.

'But, why? What happened?' Dad asked patiently.

'I just don't like it. There is 'Sulthana' who is my class leader. My teacher likes her. I also want to be called Sulthana'

(Grandma almost fainted. Grandpa wonders, how to tell Preetha, she can't be called Sulthana, without saying too much on religeon)

Dad says, 'But Preetha is a nice name. Like a little angel's. special'

Preetha retorts, 'It's not nice, my friends mock calling me 'pee..thaa'. And moreover, there is a bully in class, who is also Preetha. Can you change it or not?' she begs, with tear filled eyes.

Mom, collecting herself, said, 'that Preetha is different. You are our special little one, and God gave you this name'

Preetha replies, 'Then, I will ask God. I will cry to him. If I am Preetha, I know, 'I will die soon, be a bad girl, and not study well'

'DIE SOON? Who taught you such words?!!' mom yelled.

Preetha mumbled, 'I know, I am grown up. All my friends told.'

There was silence in the room and Preetha spoke up again, with determination in her voice

'If you don't like Sulthana, you can call me 'Anusha'. She is a smart akka in school who tells daily prayers and salutes in assembly. I will also be good like that'.

When the family was seriously thinking on how to handle this situation, in came Prashanth, Preetha's brother, a 7 year old.

He said 'Amma, call me Dhoni hereafter. I am going to grow my hair like that and hit six'.



krishis said...

Dhoni maathiri neengalum sixer adichu mudikareengale :-) liked the way you finished ... ananda vikatan la vara maathiri iruku !

b a l a j i said...

haven't we come across this in our childhood?? almost every name was ridiculed in one way or the other. my parents cared a damn when i asked them to change my name...

Mukund said...

hehehe.....reminds me of the time when i insisted that they change my name. when they refused, i went ahead n changed the spelling of my name(the least i could do) while filling up the class 10 exam form!!! it appears the spelling they had given was numerologically perfect!! when the marksheet came, my appa was aghast that cbse had got my name wrong ;)

kaushik said...

my sister always wanted her name changed to 'anjali' after ppl compared her to 'anjali' in that movie!

Yadhvi said...


Yadhvi said...

yeah many have, but as you said, it really didn't matter much to our parents!! but, these days, not many parents ignore these requests.. They seem to be worrying too much about the kid's upbringing...Just trying to scare them a li'l more :-D

Anonymous said...

When I was 5, I used to tell ppl to call me Amita as I was a major Big B fan. But I didnt know this is a usual childhood "syndrome".Good One, Yadh!

Yadhvi said...

That was a nice way to divert your appa from looking at the marks in the marksheet :-)

Yadhvi said...


Yadhvi said...

actually, neither did I know this was such a common syndrome when I wrote about it!!

Mukund said...

very true! he was more livid that they spelt the name wrong, than the marks i got ;)

Vidya said...

hmmm.... I never wanted to change my name..... But ya .. thats an interesting observation....

Yadhvi said...

yeah agreed..if it worked well for our parents, it might work well for us too.. But the problem is the kids these days are not as naive as you and I were..

Yadhvi said...

neither did I! I was pretty sure they would just name me Karupayee had I protested :)

coolkrishnan said...

Your posts are as creative as they are humorous !

This one really floored me because I had been thinking to blog about this 'kid-naming' topic for quite a while... Was fumbling to organize my thoughts.... After reading your post, I was determined to finish my post immediately before stumbling on another post on the same topic :)

The result is in

Expecting your comments on my post(s).